On aurait presque dit une voix remontée de notre préhistoire à tous deux ! Et néanmoins tellement ta voix, tellement ton regard -dans ces cas là, j'ai toujours l'impression que la poésie, avec tout ce qu'elle veut et peut dire, n'est qu'une petite partie de ce monde au sein duquel tu as pour tâche de donner vie aux choses. Avec ça, je ne connais pas de "forme d'expression" plus vaste, et c'est peut-être là justement le miracle. Comme tu iras loin ... Que de choses j'aurais à te dire, de questions à te poser ! Tant pis. Il y aura bien un tournant de chemin où nous pourrons nous apercevoir encore, un instant." Correspondance de Lou Andreas-Salomé à Rainer Maria Rilke, Gottingen, 6. 11.1910.
Nel marzo 1882, allora che LAS ha vintuno anni e seggiorna gia a Roma, entra all'improviso nella sua vita il giovane Paul Rée ... arrivando da Monte-Carlo. Poi arriva dallo stesso modo, Friedrich Nietzsche ... che si proposa come terzio membre dell'accordo precedente ... Tanto che la Trinità formata cosi bene nello spacio di qualche giorni, potrà durare un momento con la complicità della madre di LAS. Laquale la conduce tra l'Europa ad incontrare nelle grande città le figure potente della letteratura, cosi a contatto con quelle, si forma a scrivere. Cioè Roma, Parigi, Vienna, Berlin, Munich ed altri sono dei luoghi conosciuti da Lou prima da Rainer. Più tarde anchè lui sarà felice a Roma, Parigi, Berlin, Munich ... dove ritrova sempre l'anima forte e sensuale di Lou !
1 commentaire:
The situation of Nietzsche's developing relationship with Lou Salome could not have been more complex and less auspicious. Paul Ree had already had ample time to fall in love with Lou himself. Nietzsche clearly fell in love with her immediately. Meanwhile, Lou herself seems to have wanted only to remain outside of Russia for as long as possible and to enjoy the attention of artists and intellectuals. Nietzsche asked Ree to propose to Lou for him, apparently not realizing that Ree was in love with her himself. Both, for their different reasons, wished to help Lou remain outside of Russia as long as possible. They came up with a plan of studies that would last through the year; the only aspect of this plan that was common to all was the fact that it would keep them together for as long as possible.
But this plan would to fail !
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