Dal tempio dell'Amore del parco Chambrun, vicino a casa mia, sotto il cielo azzuro, che aspettavi quando andrete in vacanze,
Alla strada periferica di Parigi ci sono soltanto quatre ore. Traversare dal sud al norde, dami sempre la sensazione di cambiare di paese, tante sono delle differenze di temperatura, di cielo, di sole e di pioggia !Quando andrai fare un giro soltanto per vedere la luce, non incontrata fino ad oggi ?
Nell'aero "La navette" non c'era nessuno sta sera, soltanto qualchi uomini di affari e tre donne tornando di villegiatura sulla costa d'Azzuro, in viaggio di piacere ...
Dove sono le signore a sta ora tardiva ?
Come dappertutto nel mondo stano a cucinare forse o tornare a casa loro. In India il governamento viene di produrre un treno fato specialmente per le donne che tornano a casa dopo il lavoro anchè per andare allo stesso lavoro da New Delhi verso l'industriale città di Palwal.
"India would seem to be a country where women have shattered the glass ceiling. Its the most powerfulll politician, Sonia Ghandi, president of the Congress Party, is a woman. India's president, a somewhat ceremonial position, is a woman. The Indian Constitution guarantees equal rights for women, while Indian law stipulates equal pay and includes punishment for sexual harassment. But the reality is very different for the average working woman, many analysts say. Since Indian began economic reforms in the early 1990s, women have moved into the urban work force, initially as government office workers but now, increeasingly, as employees in the country's booming services sector or in professional jobs. Over all, the number of working women has roughly doubled during the past 15 years ! At the same time, violence against women also has risen, according to national crime statistics by more than 30 percent and kidnapping or abduction cases by over 50 percent, while incidents of torture and molestation have also jumped sharply ... The influx of women into the work-place over the past decade has eroded the traditional separation in Indian society betwen the public space, or the work-place, and private-place or the home ... And the first issue is security." Hari Kumar, in the International Herald Tribune, Wednesday, September 16, 2009 . .... Its difficult not to be an hang woman now !