Sono appassionata e non posso più dormire adessso, la notte è fermata, quando la tua commincia quasi piena per felicità, a costa.
"In a recent study for The Archives of Internal Medicine, scientist followed 153 men and women for two weeks, keeping track of their quality and duration of sleep ... Sleep and immunity, it seems, are linked. Studies have found that mammals that require the most sleep also produce greater levels of disease-fighting white bood cells ... but not red blood cells, even though both are produced in bone marrow. And researchers at the Max Plank Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology have shown that species that slep more have greater resistance against species that sleep more have greater resitance against pathogens".
Anahad O'Connor, in The New York Time, Saturday October 10, 2009.
Little, Margaret I. - Des états limites, Ed. des Femmes, 2005