In 1934 Wassily Kandinsky, born in Russia, settled in Paris
where he would live until his death in 1944. Despite a certain isolaton, he did succeed in showing his work and connecting with a younger generation of artists. At a time when the German authorities categorized his work as "degenerate art" and those of the Urss removed it from the museums, he could find consolation in his selection for the exhibition "Origines et développement de l'art international indépendant Paris " with the Paris International Exhibition of 1937.

This new turn in the artist's life brought with it a change in formal vocabulary. The painting reflects the poise and serenity of an accomplished artist. These work's names to painting, are : Accompanied contrast (1935), Capricious form (1937), Thirty (1937), Upward (1939), Various parts (1940), Sky blue (1940), Around the cercle (1940), Delicate tension (1942) and Reciprocal accord (1942) ! At the proximity of his end, he's talking and painting with simplicity and sobriety ...
Cette grande rétrospective de l’oeuvre d’une des figures majeures du XXème siècle, Wassily Kandinsky, est proposée conjointement par le Centre Pompidou, la Städtische Galerie in Lenbachhaus de Munich et le Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum de New York, qui détiennent les plus importants fonds d’oeuvres de l’artiste.
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