Princess Marie Bonaparte (1925)
"As she soon discovered, no lover could overcome her frigidity. Her search for a cure led her to become friendly with a French psychiatrist, Rene Laforgue. He referred her to Freud, remarking that she had ''a marked virility complex.''
Marie Bonaparte, " Edgar Poe". Eine psychoanalytische Studie. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1984, brosch. Preface from S.Freud:
"Exellente étude de l'écrivain mais la question essentielle reste inconnue:
cela n'explique pas comment on devient un génie !"
... Quando ho leggetote, ero di ritorno da Aix en Provence dove ascoltando e lavorando, ho sentito la tua speranza soffocandosi ...
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