For this first day of October we're going to Saint Paul de Vence to see an exhibition's Hans Hartung (1904-1989), this Deutch's man going with French's people in the warm 39-45 .
This exhibition measures the remarkable dimension of the artist's work, highlighting his unreserved mastery and his conjugation of spontaneity and method. It also demonstrates Hartung's desire to experiment which can be seen in his large pictorial gestures and his passion for the classification of his work.

"En 1968, Hartung fait construire près d'Antibes une maison dont il conçoit les plans et où il séjourne en permanence à partir de 1972".

A museum in nature, the Fondation Maeght an exceptional site that contains one of the most important collections in Europe, with paintings, sculptures; drawings and graphic works from the 20th century: Bonnard, Braque, Calder, Chagall, Giacometti, Léger, Miró.

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