Naked, you are simple as one of your hands Smooth, Earthy, Small, Transparent, Round You have moonlines, Apple pathways Naked you are slendor as a naked grain of wheat
Naked you are blue as a night in Cuba
You have vines and stars in your hair
Naked you are spacious and yellow as summer in a golden church
Naked you are tiny as one of your nails, Curved, Subtle, Rosy,
Til the day is borne and you withdraw to the underground world
Naked you are blue as a night in Cuba
You have vines and stars in your hair
Naked you are spacious and yellow as summer in a golden church
Naked you are tiny as one of your nails, Curved, Subtle, Rosy,
Til the day is borne and you withdraw to the underground world
As if down a long tunnel of clothing and of chores Your clear light dims, Gets dressed, Drops its leaves, Becomes a naked hand again Pablo Neruda (1904-1973)
Il poeta insegna le parole che non muorono .... "Come si diventa poeta?" Cosi parla Mario, "il postino" del filmo di Pablo Neruda...e lui riposta: "Scendi lungo al mare e sul camino osservi tutto attentivamente che vedi altorno a te" !
Il poeta insegna le parole che non muorono .... "Come si diventa poeta?" Cosi parla Mario, "il postino" del filmo di Pablo Neruda...e lui riposta: "Scendi lungo al mare e sul camino osservi tutto attentivamente che vedi altorno a te" !
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